
Gluten Free Dos Pinos Yogurt Drinks

How exciting! Gluten Free Yogurt Drinks! We went to the Costa Rica border yesterday, around here it is known at The Frontera and did a bit of shopping. There is a grocery store on the Tico side which carries Dos Pinos Costan Rican brand milk products. I saw this cute little yogurt bottle and with bated breath read the ingredients. Whooo Hoooo! Gluten Free! I snatched up a half-dozen bottles and at 55 cents a pop - not bad!  The gluten free brand of yogurt we usually buy is $1 a container - so this was a steal.

The GF Boy chugged down his tuti -frutie flavor and asked for more.  It is even fortified with DHA and no added corn syrup - dare I say a kid-friendly, gluten free yogurt find? Yes Indeed!

Then I stumbled upon this statement by Dos Pinos posted at http://www.cacporternovelli.com.. .., en el caso de los productos Dos Pinos, la leche, mantequilla, natilla, yogurt, queso crema, leches especializadas (la fibra utilizada es inulina, la cual no contiene gluten); jugos y bebidas, leche en polvo (la maltodextrina utilizada es de maíz) y quesos, son productos libres de gluten y seguros para personas celíacas.

Los únicos productos Dos Pinos que contienen gluten son algunos de los Helados, en especial aquellos que contienen galleta, cono y queque ó topping de galleta que podrían tener algunas trazas de gluten.
A quick translation...Dos Pinos products, such as milk, butter, natilla, yogurt, cream cheese, specialized milks, cheeses, are all products free of gluten and safe for celiac persons!  I love buying Costa Rican products, their country has stringent labeling laws, has recognized Celiac Disease in the country and a labeling caution and I feel confident I am not going to cross contaminate my child when providing him with  foods labeled gluten free from Costa Rica.   


  1. Hello nice to meet you.
    this is really a nice article
    here you can read about gluten free yogurt an gluten free foods,
    read more does greek yogurt have gluten thanks

  2. Hi...thank you for this article....nice article..
